Our Products

Culture DTOX

Culture Dtox is specially designed product for control of toxic gases particularly FI,S gas and keep the pond safe for aqua culture.

Composition: FI,S OXIDISING BACTERIA Potency : NLT 3.5 x 109 cfu/gm


  • Reduces FI,S levels and other noxious gases in the pond.
  • Improves water clarity by reducing turbidity.
  • Helps to convert black muddy soil of pond to normal by reducing sludge.
  • Increase survival rate of prawns by decreasing mortality.
  • Culture D-Tox increases disease resistance by boosting immune system
  • Enables healthy environment in the pond.
  • Reduces vibrio load that are harmful to aquatic animals.
  • Improves FCR and body weight.
  • Improves dissolved oxygen levels in the pond.

Dosage: Prevention :1 Kg/Hectare once in 10 days.